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JoomReporter Documentation

JoomReporter Documentation

This documentation contains Guides and How-tos to setup and configure JoomReporter on your Joomla site and how to make it work with various other extensions.


Before we begin, ensure that you have met the System Requirements in order for JoomReporter to operate correctly. You may find the most basic requirements for JoomReporter below:


Every information related to PHP and MySQL is presented on Joomla’s page, click here to see details

  • Joomla 3.x

PHP Requirements

JoomReporter runs on PHP and it requires PHP to exist on the site.

  • 5.3+ and above.

MySQL Requirements

JoomPush requires a minimum version of MySQL 5+

Checking System Requirements

You may review these requirements from the management system: System → System Information → PHP Settings

You can also create a very simple PHP script and include the codes below in your php file.

   // This is a very simple method to load up php's settings.


Installation and Configuration

Assuming that you have already downloaded the JoomReporter package

and unzipped / extracted the file then


  1. Login to yoursite.com/administrator
  2. In backend, access to Extension Manager > Select file (com_joomreporter)  and install.
  3. Successful installation message will displayed once extension get installed.
  4. In backend, go to Components menu > JoomReporter > Options.
  5. Set ‘yes’ to Show report and save.

Administrator Guide


This view shows specific content reported by the user with total report count.

Reported Content

This view shows the Reported content per user (unique count) and some other important statistics


We make sure that all the user data is saved in our database and this list view will display all the data. We also show the details of the guest user who has reported the content.


With Recommendations we will be adding one more functionality with which any Joomla content can be recommended by a user to his friend by providing his email id.

Once the content is recommended to someone by the user, the receiver gets an email stating the same with a link to the article.


JoomReporter is customizable, everything can be changed right from button class to messages and emails. To make this even simpler we have made sure that the settings are easy to understand and are in different tabs for different functionalities. Click on the options button once you enter the JoomReporter menu to see the self-explanatory settings.

JoomReporter Settings


Since Reporting and Recommending any content with JoomReporter is not just limited to “Joomla Articles” (already integrated) and will practically work with any extension to Report and Recommend almost anything. You need to add the following code in override file of the extension you want it to integrate with.

Notice: To make it work with Joomla article you just have to install and enable JoomReporter plugin from given package. Before you perform anything, please make sure you add  the following code in override file of the extension on which you want to show the Report and Recommend button.

$loader = JPATH_ROOT . '/components/com_joomreporter/load.php';
if (file_exists ( $loader )) {
   require_once $loader;
   echo JoomReporterLoad::quick_init( {content_client}, {content_id} , {content_title} );
} ?>

For example, if you want to integrate it with com_k2 component item detail view then add following code in item detail override file

$loader = JPATH_ROOT . '/components/com_joomreporter/load.php';
if (file_exists ( $loader )) {
   require_once $loader;
   echo JoomReporterLoad::quick_init( ‘com_k2’, $this->item->id, $this->item->title);
} ?>


  1. {content_client}: (type:string) - name of component : com_content.article, com_content.category, com_k2, com_virtuemart or com_easyblog ....

  2. {content_id}: (type:integer} - ID of item (maybe is article, blog item...)

  3. {content_title}: (type:string} - title of item (maybe is article title, blog title...)

Email Cron Setting

JoomReporter sends emails for Reporting and Recommending content on the site. The emails are sent to both the admin and the user who Reported or Recommended it. In order to get these emails working, you will have to setup Cronjob for JoomReporter.

Let’s see how that is done:


Cronjobs are scheduled task that runs at the intervals or predefined times on the server. The purpose of cronjob is to execute series of simple tasks from a script file provided by the user. This cronjob can be done through cPanel in which it offers the user interface as a tool to ease users to setup cronjobs for his site.

Accessing your cPanel

To access the cronjobs section on your cPanel, you just need to click on the crojob icon highlighted in the screenshot below.


Setup Email

Specify an email address at the cron email section to receive notification or status messages whenever your cronjobs are executed.


Adding a cron job

There are several steps allocated for this section. You'll need to follow the provided steps carefully in order to make your cornjobs working correctly on your site.

1. Setting Up Cronjob Interval.

To setting up cronjobs, you'll need to configure the interval at which second do you wish to run the cronjob.


  • Minutes
    Use this menu to select the number of minutes between running the cronjob or the minute of each hour for which you wish to run the cronjobs.
  • Hour
    Use this menu to select the number of hours between running the cron job, or the hour each day on which you wish to run the cron job.
  • Day
    Use this menu to select the number of days between running the cron job, or the day of the month on which you wish to run the cron job.
  • Month
    *Use this menu to select the number of months between running the cron job, or the month of the year in which you wish to run the cron *
  • Weekday
    Use this menu to select the day(s) of the week on which you wish to run the cron job.


2. Setting Up Cronjob Command

In the command field, you'll need to add the correct command for cronjobs to run properly

/bin/wget -O /dev/null "http://yoursite.com/index.php?option=com_joomreporter&task=sendMail"


You can have cron to send an email for each time it runs a command. However, if you do not want an email to be sent for an individual cronjob, you can redirect the command's output to a wormhole by adding this command line.

/dev/null like this: mycommand >/dev/null 2>&1


3. Store Cronjobs

Once you've finished configuring the cronjobs, you'll need to click on Save Crontab button and you're ready to test your cronjob on your site.


This concludes how to create a cron job in cPanel.