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JoomReporter gets a Recommend button!

JoomReporter gets a Recommend button!

With this release JoomReporter is getting a cool new functionality. We have also made sure that the user experience is better than before and let admins have all the stats by look at the newly introduced dashboard. There are a few more additions to this.

Let’s get into the details

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Curious to know what's lined up for JoomReporter 1.1?

Curious to know what's lined up for JoomReporter 1.1?

Every person who has a website is always concerned about what kind of content is being published on the site. The content represents the Brand and the kind of audience it will attract. If someone else has the authority to publish the content, we as a admin have minimal control over it. In that case allowing the users to report unwanted content and Admin can keep track of it, taking action on it based on the responses is imperative.

JoomReporter makes sure that this important task is taken care of. To take it to a next level and make this reporting task of users and the admin easier, we will  be adding few new features and improvements.

What’s new?


Get a Recommend button just like the report button. Users will be able to recommend that content to some other user by just specifying his email id.

reCAPTCHA Integration

Double security! Even the Report and Recommend button will be getting a reCAPTCHA so that bots will stay away.

Introducing Admin Dashboard

  • Will show total Reported and Recommended content.

  • Show total number of reporters, guest reporters and registered reporters

  • Will show total count of Report and Recommendations

  • Pie chart for showing the type of content Reported and Recommended (based on the extension)

  • Show total number of recommendations, guest recommender and registered recommender

Email Notifications

  • Send Email Notification to the Admin after content gets reported

  • Send email to the reporter once action is taken against the content reported by him (Note: This feature will as of now work with only content reported from Joomla Articles)

Reason of Report

We will be introducing a drop down for this where the user will be able to select the reason of report directly and just in case you want a text area there like we have now, click “other” to get a text area.

Other Improvements

  • UI / UX improvements

  • Delete entry button for Admin

  • Bug Fixes


There are only a few days remaining for this release, after that JoomReporter will be a paid extension. Make the most of it and download the free version now.

New to JoomReporter? See the list of features now!

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