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Web Push Notifications can be a Game Changer!

Web Push Notifications are game changers!

When we say that sometimes small things matter a lot and make a considerable difference in every aspect of our life. It also goes with your Online Portal. There are tons of small things that you need to keep an eye on to get those conversions, engage the user and what not.

Web Push Notification is one such small thing that you need to consider when it comes to your Web Portal. Let's have a close look at what it can do for you.

Types of Web Push Notifications


These Web Push Notifications are mostly sent by the Admin of the Portal to its subscriber list manually with a call to action or just a simple text update/ reminders. Manual Web Push Notifications work similar to your email marketing campaigns in some cases; but in a much better way, as the click rate is a lot higher here comparatively.


Most of these Web Push Notifications are generated based on some or the other features like updates of certain activities or reminders coming from a plugin/ extension that is used on your portal.


Directly or Indirectly they work as Cash Injecting systems!


  1. Timely updates
    Whether it is an important announcement or a discount with a countdown timer (which is ending soon). Timely updates are delivered directly to the user’s browser.

  2. Re-engagement Opportunity
    As Web Portal Admins we are always looking for various ways to keep our users engaged and make sure we find some way to get them back to us. Web Push Notifications can do wonders when it comes to User engagement.

  3. Boost up response rates
    Many a times your users are not willing to read those lengthy emails that you send them in their inbox. What you need is just the right statement with a simple icon (branding purpose) to make them click on the notification and get them to the page you want to. Average click rates for an email marketing campaign is 5.4% those can reach up to a massive 40% with Web Push Notifications.


It can help your SEO?!?

Well, it doesn’t directly help your SEO rankings; however, since the click rates are high for your Web Push Notifications users don’t have to use search engines to get back to your website in some cases. You have a funnel set to get them back to your site or redirect prospective customers/ users to any page by setting a call to action to that notification. This will increase your traffic.

If the content of the Web Push notification is to the point, crisp and interesting it will compel users to share those links on Social Media and other platforms. These link backs will boost your SEO in a way.

Something more…

With Web Push Notifications we don’t have to wait for the user to go to the inbox or some feed to look for notifications. It just pops-up in the browsers that is the beauty of it, capturing users attention at the very instance. If the user is offline, notification will pop-up once he is online. Cross platform delivery is not a problem. Message composing is easy and quick.

How to implement it on your Joomla/ Wordpress website?

There are tons of options to implement it with the use of plugins and extensions. However, with all those plugins/ extensions you will have to buy a service separately which will charge per notification or per user based on various packages they have for different integrations with service providers.

JoomPush is one such extension for Joomla where you will not have to pay for any third party service provider in order to send Web Push Notifications. As the service provider with which JoomPush integrates is Google’s Firebase cloud messaging, which provides free service (Send Unlimited Web Push Notifications to Unlimited Subscribers) as of now. JoomPush already has plugins for JomSocial and J2Store. It will soon be getting a Web Push Notification scheduling feature, do you need any more reasons?

For WordPress WT Plugins has launched a plugin which does exactly the same what JoomPush does. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

 Know more about JoomPush!         This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.        No, I don’t need more engagements         

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Why you should start accepting Bitcoins for your business?

Why you should start accepting Bitcoins for your business?

Before we dive deep, let's get to know what exactly a bitcoin is. Many of us are unaware what it is, how it works and are scared to experiment it with their business (I was one of them). Bitcoin is a Cryptocurrency (Digital currency where encryption is used) which you won’t be able to touch and feel like coins or notes (for obvious reasons) and it just gets transferred from one Bitcoin wallet to other, the most important part why this is one of a kind is because there are no Banks involved in the transaction.

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Seems bitcoin investment game is booming as I can see various investment opportunities. I will surely consider something very soon... Read More
Saturday, 28 July 2018 05:48
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