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Automate Web Push Notifications for Joomla!

Automate Web Push Notifications for Joomla!

It is time to take Web Push Notifications for Joomla to next level. Automating them is one such step which will make sure that your subscribers are kept breast with minimal manual efforts.

What's new?

Web Push Notifications Scheduling

No more time zone problems. Make sure that your subscribers receive notifications just on their favourable time. This will increase the CTR (Click through rate). Currently we are using Joomla Calendar for scheduling.

K2 and com_content integration

 Automatically sends Web Push Notifications to you subscribers whenever a new Joomla Article or K2 item is published. This way your subscribers won't miss any content on your site.


What to expect in the upcoming releases?

  • EasyBlog Integration
  • EasySocial Integration
  • EasyDiscuss Integration
  • Edge Browser Support

Start using JoomPush and see your subscriber engagement grow.

 Know more about JoomPush!                Buy Now!           Check out all the plugins  

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3296 Hits

JoomPush 1.3.4 released!

JoomPush; Web Push Notifications for Joomla with GDPR support!

With this release of JoomPush we are adding one of the most important feature of GDPR compatibility.

For more, please read the documentation carefully.

What else with this release?

  • Feature - Product Download Key Verification 
  • Fix Bug - Minor bug fixes

What to expect in the near future?

We will be rolling out most talked about features for Web Push Notification in Joomla like: 

  • Web Push Notification Scheduling
  • Joomla 4 compatibility 
  • APN integration (Apple Push Notification Service)

Let us know in the comment section what features you would want us to consider in the future releases of JoomPush.

 Know more about JoomPush!                             Buy Now!  

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  1944 Hits
1944 Hits

Web Push Notifications can be a Game Changer!

Web Push Notifications are game changers!

When we say that sometimes small things matter a lot and make a considerable difference in every aspect of our life. It also goes with your Online Portal. There are tons of small things that you need to keep an eye on to get those conversions, engage the user and what not.

Web Push Notification is one such small thing that you need to consider when it comes to your Web Portal. Let's have a close look at what it can do for you.

Types of Web Push Notifications


These Web Push Notifications are mostly sent by the Admin of the Portal to its subscriber list manually with a call to action or just a simple text update/ reminders. Manual Web Push Notifications work similar to your email marketing campaigns in some cases; but in a much better way, as the click rate is a lot higher here comparatively.


Most of these Web Push Notifications are generated based on some or the other features like updates of certain activities or reminders coming from a plugin/ extension that is used on your portal.


Directly or Indirectly they work as Cash Injecting systems!


  1. Timely updates
    Whether it is an important announcement or a discount with a countdown timer (which is ending soon). Timely updates are delivered directly to the user’s browser.

  2. Re-engagement Opportunity
    As Web Portal Admins we are always looking for various ways to keep our users engaged and make sure we find some way to get them back to us. Web Push Notifications can do wonders when it comes to User engagement.

  3. Boost up response rates
    Many a times your users are not willing to read those lengthy emails that you send them in their inbox. What you need is just the right statement with a simple icon (branding purpose) to make them click on the notification and get them to the page you want to. Average click rates for an email marketing campaign is 5.4% those can reach up to a massive 40% with Web Push Notifications.


It can help your SEO?!?

Well, it doesn’t directly help your SEO rankings; however, since the click rates are high for your Web Push Notifications users don’t have to use search engines to get back to your website in some cases. You have a funnel set to get them back to your site or redirect prospective customers/ users to any page by setting a call to action to that notification. This will increase your traffic.

If the content of the Web Push notification is to the point, crisp and interesting it will compel users to share those links on Social Media and other platforms. These link backs will boost your SEO in a way.

Something more…

With Web Push Notifications we don’t have to wait for the user to go to the inbox or some feed to look for notifications. It just pops-up in the browsers that is the beauty of it, capturing users attention at the very instance. If the user is offline, notification will pop-up once he is online. Cross platform delivery is not a problem. Message composing is easy and quick.

How to implement it on your Joomla/ Wordpress website?

There are tons of options to implement it with the use of plugins and extensions. However, with all those plugins/ extensions you will have to buy a service separately which will charge per notification or per user based on various packages they have for different integrations with service providers.

JoomPush is one such extension for Joomla where you will not have to pay for any third party service provider in order to send Web Push Notifications. As the service provider with which JoomPush integrates is Google’s Firebase cloud messaging, which provides free service (Send Unlimited Web Push Notifications to Unlimited Subscribers) as of now. JoomPush already has plugins for JomSocial and J2Store. It will soon be getting a Web Push Notification scheduling feature, do you need any more reasons?

For WordPress WT Plugins has launched a plugin which does exactly the same what JoomPush does. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

 Know more about JoomPush!         This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.        No, I don’t need more engagements         

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  3711 Hits
3711 Hits

Web Push Notifications for JomSocial out now!


JomSocial is a widely used community platform for Joomla. We have been getting requests to integrate JoomPush for Web Push Notifications for JomSocial to keep their users abreast of the activities happening in their community. 

We have integrated JoomPush with JomSocial which will be sending automated Web Push Notifications to its users who have subscribed.

On which instances will they receive Web Push Notifications? 

  • Events Invite
  • Friend Invitations
  • Group Connections
  • Album Creations
  • Group Creations
  • News Creations
  • New Discussion
  • Likes
  • Comments
  • New Replies
  • New Messages
  • Friends Tagging and more..


 Get JoomPush now!         

Already a JoomPush Subscriber? Download JoomPush JomSocial Plugin for Free!

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  3969 Hits
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This is an amazing post to read.
Friday, 26 October 2018 15:22
Kimmo Vallema
Getting "Duplicate entry '2147483647' for key 'PRIMARY'" error when trying to download.
Wednesday, 22 June 2022 03:51
3969 Hits

Send Web Push Notifications to Joomla User Groups with JoomPush 1.3


Push Notifications being the new age engagement triggering entity, we’re trying to make is simpler and better for Joomlers. JoomPush being the only Web Push Notification system for Joomla that offers innovative features like sending Web Push Notifications in groups. We thought of taking this to new heights for the Admins who want some notifications to be sent to people with some specific roles on your site.

The New Stuff

Joomla User Group Integration

You might want to ditch the traditional Email Marketing if you’re looking to send targeted emails to your users for quick engagements. JoomPush now automatically creates Groups as per your Joomla user groups, then you can send targeted Web Push Notifications for Quick Engagements. With last JoomPush release we had introduced Web Push Notifications for Joomla Admins, what can be better than this?

How will this work?

If it is a guest user and clicks the “Allow” notification Pop-up he will be subscribed to the Default JoomPush group. However, if the user Logs in and the clicks the “Allow” Notification Pop-up he will be subscribed to that particular user group which is assigned to it.

Quick Push Button

A quick button on the dashboard using which Admin will be able to send instant notifications by just selecting the message template and the user group.

JoomPush is architectured in such a way that we’re planning to make any Joomla extension integration a breeze in future. Grab your hands on the best Web Push Notification system for Joomla! We’re also thinking of adding Notifications scheduling feature in the future releases. Stay tuned for that!


 Buy JoomPush Now!      See JoomPush in Action!     Suggest a Feature!

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  3409 Hits
3409 Hits

JoomPush 1.2 out now with j2store integration & more...


We have always wanted to make the people aware about how easy it is to notify your viewers with Push Notifications compared to the traditional notification methods. Apart from marketing your product and service, Push notifications can also be used to keep yourself updated about your own online business process running in the background.

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  2124 Hits
2124 Hits

Track your web push notifications with JoomPush 1.1


After a poll on our forum for the upcoming feature, trackable notifications got maximum votes in comparison to One Signal integration. We developed this one and a couple of more features with JoomPush 1.1.

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  2444 Hits
2444 Hits

JoomPush 1.0.8 out with Sync Button!

JoomPush 1.0.8  out with Sync Button!

It is a tough job to maintain to a component which is solely depended on a third party. JoomPush is tightly integrated with Google’s Firebase Cloud Messaging system through which it sends Web Push notifications to its subscribers. Firebase is rapidly evolving. We have to make sure that all those new things they release are taken into consideration and merged into JoomPush, provided they are useful for our customers and keep them updated. With this, we are releasing a minor version of JoomPush with a couple of new features.

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  2145 Hits
2145 Hits

Web Push Notifications for Joomla gets better with JoomPush!

Web Push Notifications for Joomla gets better with JoomPush!

Web Push Notifications are the new age marketing boosters that can get you an instant engagement with your subscribers and also is less painful setting it up than any other Newsletters. Push notifications are preferred for short messages which you have to convey it to your subscribers instantly. We are excited to launch JoomPush which is a Web Push Notifications system for Joomla, with which you can do a lot of things.

Let's get to know more about it!

Multiple browser Compatibility

Works seamlessly with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Opera (Desktop). People coming from all these browsers on your site are all your potential Push Notification subscribers.

Works with SSL

For security reasons and efficient working of the Push Notification it is mandatory to have SSL certificate on the site.

Multiple Device Compatibility.

It is said that on an average over 65% of the people daily browse internet on their smart phones. JoomPush has got it covered. It doesn’t matter where your subscriber is coming from it can be a Desktop, Laptop, Tab or a phone. If he is subscribed from that browser he will receive the notifications on that device.

Simple Admin Dashboard

A Dashboard which get admin an overview of the day to day activities of the subscribers and the notifications. In future versions we will also  see to it that we try to introduce Notification tracking.

Groups Support

There might be some cases where you want to send a notifications for a specific group of people. You can create groups in JoomPush and send Push notifications to that group.

Note: This feature is currently in Beta

Create Different Notifications Templates

Notification templates can be created for sending different notifications. The Icon in the notifications is also customizable. Notifications will be sent with the Icon, heading and a 253 character text. Templates which are already created can also be reused.

Integration with Firebase Cloud Messaging Service

All the Push Notifications will be sent through Firebase Cloud messaging service, which is free. That is why unlike other extensions you will not have to pay for both, the extension and the service. JoomPush is all in one.

Unlimited Push Notifications

Even if you have a lot of subscribers, it doesn’t change anything for JoomPush. It will send Push notifications efficiently to all of them.

Subscribe for updates

Taking care of one's privacy and not spamming all the ones who are visiting your site with your Notifications, we have made sure that only those who subscribe will receive the notifications.

Give call to action

Push notifications can be linked and are clickable. Instant redirection on your site creates faster engagement.

Early Bird offer!

Get JoomPush now at a 25% OFF!


Vaild till: 11th Feb 2017


 Buy Now!       View Demo

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  3798 Hits
3798 Hits

Web Push Notifications for Joomla! Coming Soon..

Web Push Notifications for Joomla! Coming Soon..

All the business owners around the globe know how imperative it is to keep your customers and potential subscribers engaging constantly with updates and promotions for new as well as recurring business. A lot of ways through which this can be done. One of them is sending personal emails. However, this is very time consuming and a lengthy process. Sometimes all you need to do is just send a simple message and a link with it. This can be done in a much quicker and a responsive way by sending them Push Notifications.

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2719 Hits